Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Where do I begin?


     I would like to start off by saying, I have no idea how this blog world works, so keep that in mind!  My son, Kamdyn, is 2 years and 5 months old.  We have been doing weekly speech appointments with an Early Childhood program in our area for a little over a year now.  Recently, the term "Apraxia" has come up.  In Kamdyn's case, Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS), fits a little better.  Like most mothers would do, I went straight to the internet to get as much information as I could and I told the few of my friends and family that I was comfortable sharing it with.
So, What is CAS?
"CAS is a motor-speech programming disorder resulting in difficulty executing and/or coordinating the oral-motor movements necessary to produce and combine speech sounds to form words." ~Kaufman Children's Center
     Let me break that down for you...Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech know exactly what they want to say, but have a hard time making their brain tell their mouth what to do.  They struggle making the sounds to form the words.   For some odd reason, this was somewhat comforting to me.  Kamdyn has REALLY been struggling with fits and behavior lately and this makes total sense.  How scary, to know what you want to say, but not being able to actually say it?
     This blog may be more for my purposes than for yours.  I think this will be an easy way for me to document things we have tried, things that worked, and things that didn't work.  Welcome to our journey!


  1. Brave, very brave for sharing your journey! We are with you every step (running step) of the way, Kamders!

  2. Love you guys so much! You got this! :)
